Psycho-behavioral support for in-depth introspection and personal development
Adult / Teenager / Child / Couple / Family
In practice in Vannes and Sarzeau / Remotely /
Travel possible for people with reduced mobility...
RED Directed Active Imagination and RES Spontaneous Active Imagination
Anchoring Meditation
"Consciousness is the first step towards the freedom to be fully yourself."
We believe that life sometimes punishes us, that we will never get out of our exhausting trials and tribulations, our discomforts, our illnesses, our lack of confidence, our confusions, that the race in life cannot be the only goal. And at the same time we have the feeling of missing out on real life.
The request for support is a step towards a desire for change, understanding in order to suffer less discomfort and confusion.
I am an EFT Therapist, Emotional Freedom Technique. It is an effective psycho-energetic treatment, dneedleless acupuncture, which freed you from emotions, cognitive and physical, related to: phobias, traumas, fears, mourning, stress, addiction, etc. The work is done by tapping on the meridian points, while freeing up speech, for one-off work and daily relief. It is a technique accessible for all ages, even young children, which I like to pass on.
I am also a Humanist Psychopractitioner, under the light of a holistic philosophy. A process of introspection will be proposed if you are experiencing difficult relationships, if you suffer from a lack of self-esteem, or if you are at a crossroads in your life. My accompaniment is offering you transformative therapy and will help you restart and find your compass. This psycho-corporal and psycho-behavioral support (tcc) aims to heal your wounds and enlighten you to answer your existential questions. You will anchor yourself in your resilience and even feel the deep meaning of your life.
My holistic support methods: psycho-analysis, EFT, meditation, art therapy (creation of the mandala) and waking dream - hypnosis, will allow you to introspect your inner discourse, understand and control your emotions, to realize the value of yourself and of life. The alchemy of your emotional body will allow you to find strength and determination towards your personal and relational fulfillment.
With pleasure,

"No, being loved does not bring happiness. But loving is happiness!" Herman Hesse