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  • Methods that heal and for you to expand in consciousness
    EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique is a simple and effective psycho-energetic acupuncture treatment (without needles). We think that our emotionally charged negative and painful states are direct reactions to certain traumatic events or memories. These events at the root of our malaise are not the direct cause. Our negative emotions emanate from energy blockages already present, as a result of emotional wounds, which can be very old. In session, you perform in mimicry with me a series of rounds. Gently tapping on the meridian points, circulation channels, repeating negative phrases all "reduce" them, so as to approach the root of the problem. By associating speech with emotions, our negative emotions are considerably reduced, allowing the improvement of the circulation of energy in the organism and self-healing. RE Directed or Spontaneous Daydreaming under Hypnosis level: Rêve Awaké is a therapeutic and personal development method. It integrates the contributions of psychoanalysis, and it is in the current of humanistic psychology that it currently finds its place, emphasizing the actualization of our potential and our capacity for evolution. In a state of alpha relaxation, you step into your inner world. The RE is personalized for you. Through images, the person goes back to the source of his emotions and highlights his usual modes of operation and sees himself overcome difficult feelings. It is the lived experience that is privileged with its positive feelings and its discoveries. The benefit of guided daydreaming also allows access to deep content otherwise unattainable and to obtain a state of lasting relaxation by easing tensions towards the restoration of inner harmony. The patient, in a state of alpha relaxation, enters his inner world. The dream is both an experience and a mode of expression. Each waking dream is presented as a metaphor of the dreamer's life, with the desires, fears, expectations, ambivalences, hopes... which constitute his daily life. Through images, the person goes back to the source of his emotions and highlights his usual modes of operation. More than the interpretation of the content, it is the lived experience that is privileged with its feelings and its discoveries. ​ The first objective is to uncover the origin of the problems to reveal their meaning. The symbolic images that appear during the session are very personal. They express deep feelings of which the subject is not always aware. The imagination works as a revealer that promotes awareness. The strong moments of existence and their emotional repercussions thus find or rediscover the means of saying to themselves… The subject discovers the springs of their mode of being and the meaning of their symptoms. He reconnects with parts of himself that were ignored. The second objective is to exploit and develop the potential we need to solve our difficulties. The daydreamer learns to deal with various situations, to take initiatives, to experiment with new behaviors. The learning acquired in waking dreams is transposed into daily life and new ways of acting are put in place. Mindfulness Mediation and Relaxation and Connection with Deep Self: The goal of meditation is to make these thoughts "lose their power" for a set time. Thoughts become an object of observation and can be interrogated in order to get out of autopilot mode. We thus become more aware of our own life. Art Therapy: It is a form of psychotherapy that uses artistic creation to get in touch with your inner life (feelings, dreams, unconscious, etc.), express it and transform yourself. This practice is widespread in the health sectors. It is used as a mode of intervention in psychotherapy, particularly in subjects who have difficulty expressing what they feel through words, with young children as well as in physiotherapy to develop better self-confidence and promote rehabilitation. My expertise is to lead you to create mandalas with a color convention to help you understand and connect with the deep dimensions within you, to develop your intuitions and see the origins of harmful thoughts and behaviors. Useful Info (articles, videos and scientific studies)
  • Li Chin Lu, psycho-behavioral and psycho-energetic therapist: "I like to transmit the technique of EFT which releases the grip of negative emotions, in a global approach which includes the cognitive, emotional and physical dimensions, to treat a wide variety troubles..."
    Trauma and disorders (phobias and fears in all its forms) Stress and anxiety Childhood problems (fears, nightmares, bedwetting, parental separation, relationship difficulties, shyness, lack of confidence, somatization of physical ailments, stuttering, etc.) School problems (concentration and learning problems, etc.) Allergies Weight loss Physical problems / pain Poor image of self and life Dependencies The collection of more than 200 scientifically validated studies. EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique is a simple and effective psycho-energetic acupuncture treatment (without needles) that releases the grip of negative emotions, in a global approach that includes the cognitive, emotional and physical dimensions, to treat a wide variety of disorders related to: phobias, traumas, fears, stress, addiction, etc. (More info, see Methods). We think that our emotionally charged negative and painful states are direct reactions to certain traumatic events or memories. These events are at the root of our malaise but they are not the direct cause. Our negative emotions emanate from energy blockages already present, as a result of emotional wounds, which can be very old. ​ In consultation, the client performs, in mimicry with me, a series of rounds. We tap gently on the meridian points, circulation channels, repeating negative phrases while "reducing" them, so as to approach the root of the problem. By associating speech with emotions, our negative emotions are considerably reduced, allowing the improvement of the circulation of energy in the body and self-healing. ​
  • Extrait de l'émission de France 2 Télématin sur l'EFT
  • EFT pour les enfants, une séance filmée !"
  • Directed or Spontaneous Daydreaming under Hypnosis level
    It is a therapeutic and personal development method that was used by Carl Gustav Jung and founded by Robert Desoille (1890-1966). It has developed by integrating the contributions of psychoanalysis but it is in the current of humanistic psychology that it currently finds its place, because it emphasizes the actualization of our potential and our capacity to evolution. The patient, in a state of alpha relaxation, enters his inner world. The dream is both an experience and a mode of expression. Each waking dream is presented as a metaphor of the dreamer's life, with the desires, fears, expectations, ambivalences, hopes... which constitute his daily life. Through images, the person goes back to the source of his emotions and highlights his usual modes of operation. More than the interpretation of the content, it is the lived experience that is privileged with its feelings and its discoveries. ​ The first objective is to uncover the origin of the problems to reveal their meaning.The symbolic images that appear during the session are very personal. They express deep feelings of which the subject is not always aware. The imagination works as a revealer that promotes awareness. The strong moments of existence and their emotional repercussions thus find or rediscover the means of saying to themselves… The subject discovers the springs of their mode of being and the meaning of their symptoms. He reconnects with parts of himself that were ignored.The second objective is to exploit and develop the potential we need to solve our difficulties. The daydreamer learns to deal with various situations, to take initiatives, to experiment with new behaviors. The learning acquired in waking dreams is transposed into daily life and new ways of acting are put in place.The therapist uses specific techniques for exploiting the imagination. He adapts his interventions to each and does not impose anything. He accompanies, suggests and encourages, always with the greatest respect for the freedom of the person, because it is he who directs his dream and the rhythm of his progress.The therapeutic approach through the consciously experienced dream helps to: develop our ability to evolve and really take charge of ourselves live in accordance with our needs, desires and limits improve our relationship with others increase our inner freedom ​​ The directed waking-dream is suitable both for unblocking occasional crises and for in-depth work on oneself. It is aimed at adults, teenagers and children (through play and drawing). It can be used in case of relationship difficulties, depression, anxiety, anxiety, phobias, bereavement, trauma.
  • Art Therapy brings benefits on a mental, spiritual and physical level."
    Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses artistic creation (drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, etc.) to make contact with one's inner life (feelings, dreams, unconscious, etc.), the express and transform. This practice is widespread in the health sectors. It is used as a mode of intervention in psychotherapy, particularly in subjects who have difficulty expressing what they feel through words, with young children as well as in physiotherapy to develop better self-confidence and promote rehabilitation. ​ “Colour is a good tool to produce a direct influx on the soul. The color is the keyboard, the eyes are the hammers, and the soul is the piano with the strings. The artist is the hand that plays and that, with this or that touch, makes the soul vibrate. » Wassily Kandinsky ​ Everyone has known for a long time that coloring is a way to relax. But it was Carl Gustav Jung who, at the beginning of the 20th century, initiated its use as a therapeutic means. It was by having his patients color mandalas that he noticed that their general state of health underwent a significant improvement. It is no coincidence that this activity has always been offered to children, especially hyperactive children with ADD (attention deficit disorder) and with concentration problems. ​ Since it is an introspective activity, art therapy brings great benefits even to adults. Coloring is a kind of self-analysis that allows them to discover their inner Self. Besides, since it acts on a mental, emotional and physical level, this activity can improve their lives because it: reduces pain; helps to fight against anxiety and a state of tension; helps fight against post-traumatic stress disorder; helps individuals with bipolar disorder; develops creativity; increases self-esteem; allows you to be more self-confident and more sociable and open to others; stimulates the part of the brain related to motor activity; can bring serenity and improve the conditions of people affected by serious illnesses such as cancer or mental disorders... ​​ (Credit: Macroeditions)
  • Meditation: Stability of attention, resistance to stress, openness to others: the benefits of meditation are widely known today.
    Mindfulness Meditation: The goal of meditation is to make those thoughts “lose their power” for a set amount of time. Thoughts become an object of observation and can be re-examined in order to get out of autopilot mode. We thus become more aware of our own life. Stability of attention, resistance to stress, openness to others: the benefits of meditation are widely known today. scientific studies show that meditation not only changes the functioning of the brain but also its structure. Results that open up promising clinical perspectives, particularly in the treatment of pain and depression. Read: More info
  • About EFT at by Gary Craig
    Our approach is very different from that of medicine. In my observations and experience, emotions play a much larger role than we commonly believe. They are almost always at the center of disease." Gary Craig, Founder of EFTEFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a powerful emotional release method, which was created and developed from 1993 by Gary Craig, an engineer from Stanford University.How does EFT work?Clinically effective, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) release negative emotions and provide fast and lasting relief from many emotional and even physical problems.It is established that chemical imbalances are involved in psychological problems such as in states of deep malaise and psychic exhaustion. But there is also ample evidence to support the fact that the energies of the body are also involved in emotional disturbances, and that specific interventions at the energy system level can change brain chemistry to help overcome many psychological issues.EFT (Tapping) which affirms: "The cause of all negative emotions is a disturbance in the energy system of the body" intervenes effectively at the level of our energy system by addressing our unresolved emotional problems. . Thus this method allows us to eliminate the disturbances created by negative emotions (anger, sadness, guilt, grief, regrets, etc.) that we have experienced at certain times, during certain events.These disturbances – which we accumulate in our system throughout our lives – are a source of stress, fears, and blockages. They are also the basis of addictions and various disorders such as TOC, eating disorders, etc., and depending on the case, they can go so far as to seriously disturb our emotional, psychological and physiological balance.There is no emotion that we do not feel physically. In other words, each time we experience an emotion – good or bad – it expresses itself in our body. To feel it, you just have to pay attention to it.The existence of the mind-body connection is nowhere more evident than in EFT: once you understand the logic on which this method is built, it becomes obvious. And when we experience its extraordinary effectiveness, we come to wonder why EFT was not discovered sooner...EFT (tapping) involves no diagnosis, no manipulation, and no prescription drugs. It is easy for newcomers to apply its procedures, because Gary Craig has intentionally and generously developed it as a simple tool, so that it is accessible to everyone. It is: most people get results the first time they try it, which is very encouraging.
  • My methods tend towards cooperation with health professionals in a mutual search for optimum well-being...
    Although they have produced remarkable clinical results, my sessions are not intended to replace medical recommendations from your doctor. My methods tend towards cooperation with health professionals in a mutual search for optimum well-being. Under no circumstances should you stop ongoing treatment prescribed by your doctor without his consent. EFT and Guided Daydreaming are strictly not recommended for people with psychotic disorders or psychiatric illnesses.
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